Captain Planet - Wasser kommt Wasser geht
Straight punkrock with emotional attitude and amazing lyrics.
Captain Planet did this fast as straight composed record after it´s EP included much more breaks and sometimes hardcore influcenses. This one is a pure ovation to melodic punkrock, influenced by westcoast stylos. Euphoric and positive when remembering yesterday but also clear critical and political when realising present. »Wasser Kommt Wasser Geht« is a package of hymns about youth, adventures and that mystical secret around yourself and your friends when being kid or teen.
?Heute nacht habe ich die welt verstanden ? und sie mich? (engl.: I understood this world tonight - and world understood me) Arne sings. This is the point of change, because they started looking forward. While their EP »Unterm Pflaster Der Strand« (2007) was a retrospective, this albums marks it´s change becoming adult without a loss of inspiration and this childish energy.
This thought becomes concrete when reading the lines ?es ist auch mein leben ? was du da verkackst!? (engl: this is my life, too - you dick it up"). A clearer view means less mystic and also produces more anger. It´s kind of consequence to stay uptempo.
CD in exclusive digipack cover.
cat.no.: ud023
1st Pressing Oct 3, 2007: 1000 CD 500 LP
Reissue on starburst col. transparent/black vinyl cancelled 2015.
Tracklist: 1. wespenstich 2. ohne worte 3. so much water so close to home 4. spreu vom weizen 5. sammeln und stapeln 6. hundertzwanzig sachen 7.hols stöckchen bitte 8. wort auf der brücke 9. abenteuer im metadelta 10. auftauchen um luft zu holen 11. zugehört
Specification: Designed by Arne Von Twistern, singer and guitarist of the band and Bassplayer Marco Heckler. Digipack limited to first pressing. CD reissue in jewelcase.
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