Adolar - Die Auswendigen Muster
"Remix" a electronic song as a rock band makes it become organic and pure.
Standard is a rockband got recycled by electro-artists. For one it´s an remix, others use to call it rip-off. Primarily one understands simplified and reduced songstructures, organic beats replaced by a machine, guitars executed by samples, loops ...
While recording their 2nd album Adolar decided to flip practice. In some experimental sessions they took one of Bratze´s finest and interpreted it as a huge and stadium-like rock hymn. It shakes you, wakes you up. Adolar bring a new dynamic into "Die Auswendigen Muster" and Tom Mischoks angry tone causes a completly new vibe.
Digital free download single with PDF-Booklet.
cat.no.: ud038
Format: MP3
Date: 05/2011
1. Die Auswendigen Muster
Online date: 20th May 2011.
Avails: Not for sale. Free downloads only! Released through Visions Magazine (visions.de), Uncle Sally´s (www.sallys.net), Motor.de, Dunctonwood Webradio, Blueprint Fanzine and Alternativemusik.de.
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- Blueprint Fanzine
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- motor.de